Reinvigorated Massage & Manual Therapies
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The physiological reasons to go get a massage

SPORTS MANUAL THERAPY: This field is growing every day and in my opinion has the biggest future out of all the massage and manual modalities. Pairing this with Lymphatic drainage is my business model for the older population because, physiologically it is exactly what they are looking for everything from improved mobility/strength/and balance to increased immune function, energy and mood. The simple act of pinning a muscle down and stretching said muscle out sets in motion a series of physiological events truly great for an older more stagnant body. There is also no getting around the fact that every single person that has to work on this planet is an athlete in some way so don't let that dissuade you or make you think that you doesn't qualify you for treatment.

[The following is an article taken from the ABMP website] Professional athletes and their coaches have sworn by massage therapy for years, going so far as to keep massage therapists on the payroll indefinitely.  Until recently, there hasn’t been conclusive evidence that massage really does have a positive effect on athletes.  However, thanks to new studies and some backing by reputable sources, the benefits of massage are being taken seriously.  And those benefits are not just for the pros.  They’re extended to anyone who participates in a regular exercise program.

According to the American Massage Therapy Association (AMTA), massage acts to improve performance, reduce pain, prevent injury, encourage focus and shorten recovery time.  It basically involves two types of responses: a mechanical response as a result of the pressure and movement and a reflex response where the nerves respond to the stimulation of a massage. 

Physiological Effects

You may not realize it, but massage affects the cardiovascular system.  It dilates blood vessels, which helps them work more efficiently to promote circulation.  The manual assistance of encouraging venous blood flow back to the heart enhances blood flow, which delivers fresh oxygen and nutrients to the tissue and promotes the removal of waste products and toxins.  Thanks to the relaxed state you’re in during and after the massage, your heart rate lowers. 

            More known and expected are the benefits of massage to the muscular system.  One of them directly ties to the cardiovascular benefits.  The increased and enhanced blood circulation helps to relieve muscle tension, reduce soreness and make for a faster recovery.  Then, the relaxed muscles can experience “an increase in range of motion and flexibility,” as explained in a study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness.  Both of those benefits can lead to better athletic performance. 

            The latest research conducted by scientists from the Buck Institute for Research on Aging at McMaster University in Ontario shows that massage reduces inflammation and promotes the growth of new mitochondria, the energy-producing units in the cells, following a bout of strenuous exercise.  What does that mean?  It means that massage can help pain relief, build muscles and encourage their recovery as well.  Not only does massage feel good on the muscle tissues, it actually is good for them. 

Psychological Effects 

The sports massage study in the Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness points out that athleticism, particularly the athleticism required in competitive sports, doesn’t rely solely on physical strength.  “Tactical maneuvering in cycling or an ability to focus on a task (e.g., gymnastics or golf) can also affect performance.  Therefore, the psychological effect provided to an athlete by an experience such as massage may be of importance in a non-physiological manner.”  These benefits include reducing stress and tension and anxiety while promoting relaxation by activating your parasympathetic nervous system.  So you get an increase in dopamine and serotonin levels and a reduction in cortisol levels, which are directly linked to stress. 

            That relaxed, lowered-tension state encourages focus, a good thing to have before going into any sport, group exercise class or competition.  

LYMPHATIC DRAINAGE :The amount of people that don't know the benefits of massage in general is amazing, but the amount of people that have never even heard of the lymphatic system is staggering. Most people are familiar with the body's blood vessel system that carries oygenated blood to and from the tissues, but few understand there is another equally vital system of vessels that removes cell wastes, proteins, excess fluid, viruses, and bacteria from all of there tissues. This is the lymphatic system  that picks up the fluids and waste products from the spaces between the cells and then filters, cleans, and recycles as much as possible of them to be returned to the blood.

[The following is an article taken from the ABMP website] Like the roots of a tree, the lymph system starts as tiny vessels--only a single-cell wide--that eventually branch into larger and larger tubes that carry these fluids back to the blood stream. This network of delicate vessels and lymph nodes is the primary structure of the immune system. The lymph nodes act as check points along the pathways of the vessels. They filter the fluid (called lymph) and serve as the home for lymphocytes--little Pac Man-like cells that attack and destroy foreign bacteria and viruses and even abnormal cells, like cancer cells.

When the lymph system works well, we feel healthy and have a strong defense against illness. When it's sluggish or blocked--say after surgery or an injury--we can have swelling, feel tired, and be more susceptible to colds and infections.Lymphatic massage may help the lymph system do its job better. By understanding the anatomy and function of this delicate system, your massage therapist can assist your body in clearing sluggish tissues of waste and swelling. 

Though lymph vessels are found throughout the body, most of them--about 70 percent--are located just below the skin. These fragile vessels work to pick up fluids between the cell spaces when gentle pressure is applied to them from increased fluid build-up, muscle contractions, or the pressure of a therapist's hands. By using very light pressures in a rhythmic, circular motion, a massage therapist can stimulate the lymph system to work more efficiently and help it move the lymph fluids back to the heart.

Experts estimate that upwards of ninety percent of disease is stress-related. And perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. Massage is an effective tool for managing this stress, which translates into:

  • Decreased anxiety.
  • Enhanced sleep quality.
  • Greater energy.
  • Improved concentration.
  • Increased circulation.
  • Reduced fatigue.

Massage can also help specifically address a number of health issues. Bodywork can:

  • Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion.
  • Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays.
  • Ease medication dependence.
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flow—the body\'s natural defense system.
  • Exercise and stretch weak, tight, or atrophied muscles.
  • Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workouts.
  • Improve the condition of the body\'s largest organ—the skin.
  • Increase joint flexibility.
  • Lessen depression and anxiety.
  • Promote tissue regeneration, reducing scar tissue and stretch marks.
  • Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation.
  • Reduce postsurgery adhesions and swelling.
  • Reduce spasms and cramping.
  • Relax and soften injured, tired, and overused muscles.
  • Release endorphins—amino acids that work as the body\'s natural painkiller.
  • Relieve migraine pain.
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